Explorers are encouraged to lead themselves in deciding the programme and direction of the Unit, with support and guidance from leaders. The section also includes the Young Leaders’ Scheme, where young people are able to take on a leadership role in one of the younger sections.
There is wider scope for activities like offshore sailing, campaigning, performing, parascending, mountaineering and expeditions.
What are Explorers?
The Explorer Scout section is for Young People aged 14 to 18. Whilst some Explorer Units are associated with Scout Groups, others are independent.
A recent survey by the Scout Association showed that whilst almost all Young People of Explorer Scout age want to do some sort of work in the Community, less than one third find ways to do that work. On the other hand, every Scout has the opportunity to work in the Community.
Some of our Explorers have come up through the younger sections but others have come in directly to Explorers, some primarily to do community volunteer work.
Young Leaders
One of the requirements of the Duke of Edinburg Award is community service. Scouts can provide that through our Young Leader scheme. Scouts of Explorer age can help run Beaver, Cub and Scout Sections. We give our Young Leaders additional training helping them develop more skills to help them through life.
Friendship and Fun
Of Course!
Just to prove the point, here’s a team of our Explorers near the Houses of Parliament during a Monopoly run in London. What’s a Monopoly run? Join us and find out!
Badges and Awards
There are not so many badges for Explorers to work for, but that doesn’t mean they can sit back and take things easily. Most Explorers and Young Leaders work towards Chief Scout or Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
Explorer Scouts organise many of their own camps as a unit, often traveling to the mainland or further in search of new adventures and challenges.
Older Scouts can attend International gatherings of Scouts, called Jamborees or Moots. Every year there is a virtual Jamboree called JOTI/JOTA – that’s Jamboree Of The Internet and Jamboree Of The Air. Over one million Scouts go online to join in with JOTI each year, and with the help of Isle of Wight Radio Amateurs we have spoken to Scouts around Europe as part of JOTA. Every 4 years, there is a World Jamboree and we send a contingent to join in. Recent Jamborees have seen Island Scouts go to Chelmsford, Sweden, and Japan. The next World Jamboree will be in 2019 in the USA, and we will be sending a contingent of Scouts to join in. In the Summer of 2017 a couple of our Scouts went to a Moot in Iceland and we’re planning more international visits.
Scouts make a promise and learn the Scout Laws. If you’re not sure what this means, or you have concerns then look on our FAQ page.
Try us out
If you’re still not sure whether Explorers is for you, come and try out one of our regular meetings or look out for our Open Day at Corf Campsite and come and see some of the activities we get up to!
Frequently asked questions
We’ve put together some more details about becoming an Explorer, answering some of the questions which we often get asked by prospective Scout parents.

Explorers start small but think big, always challenging themselves to do more and be more. It all starts with an award.

Activity and Staged Badges
Master something you love, or try something shiny and new. If it spurs you on or stirs your interest, we’ve probably got a badge for it.

Moving up to Network
Eventually, it’ll be time embrace your next big adventure.