In a nutshell
A Cub Scout Pack can have up to 36 Cub Scouts aged 8 to 10 1/2, and is split into smaller groups called Sixes. Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. A Cub Scout meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors.
Camps and holidays are some of the most memorable events of the year for Cubs.
What are Cubs?
Founded in 1917, Cubs were originally called Wolf Cubs. But gone are the days of shorts and caps. And the Dyb, Dyb, Dyb? Well, you’ll have to find out for yourselves! Cubs continue to build on the Beavers’ Fun and Friendship, and start adding Adventure to the mix.
Friendship and Fun
Our 8 to 10 ½ year old Cubs are organised in teams called “Sixes”, nominally a team of 6, including 2 team leaders: the Sixer and Seconder also have extra training and events to help them develop leadership and teamwork skills.
Badges and Awards
Young People of Cub age are developing an interest in a very wide range of activities. With an emphasis on achieving personal development rather than meeting set targets every Scout can measure their progress. With over 60 badges and awards to work for, some supported by national companies such as Halfords and Rolls Royce there are some which will interest everyone. We put more emphasis on achieving personal development rather than meeting set targets, so every Scout can be assured of making progress. If you really fancy a challenge… at least one of our Cubs earned EVERY badge and award.
Ok! Yes, Cubs GO CAMPING! And the high point of many Cubs’ year is the County Cub Camp. Make the most of it: all the fun and USUALLY there’s someone to do the cooking! Well, apart from cooking the bananas and mars bars, the smores, and (of course) the marshmallows!!!
Cubs learn about Scouts in other countries, and the differences in how the live and Scout. With interactive learning and practical activities it’s fun. In October we hold a World-wide virtual Jamboree (or gathering) called JOTI/JOTA – that’s Jamboree Of The Internet and Jamboree Of The Air. Over one million Scouts go online to join in with JOTI each year, and with the help of Isle of Wight Radio Amateurs our Scouts have spoken to Scouts around Europe as part of JOTA.
Cub Scout Promise and Laws
Cubs make a promise and learn the Cub Scout Laws. If you’re not sure what this means, or you have concerns then look on our FAQ page.
Try us out
If you’re still not sure whether Cubs is for you, come and try out one of our regular meetings or look out for our Open Day at Corf Campsite and come and see some of the activities we get up to!
Frequently asked questions
We’ve put together some more details about becoming a Scout, answering some of the questions which we often get asked by prospective Scout parents.

Completing Challenge Awards lets you do more, learn more and be more. See what’s on offer and start your journey to the top.

Activity and Staged Badges
Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. From athletics and astronomy to photography and pioneering, there’s something for everyone.

Moving up to Scouts
Eventually, it’ll be time to say farewell to Cubs and embrace your next big adventure.